Thursday 31 January 2013

Some examples of stuff I've made and tutorials on them to come.

Here's some of the stuff I've made in the last few months since I decided to try and make stuff whilst on holidays.  We are having a little girl but I'm obsessed with retro,  space and other things more associated with boys.  I can't find what I want in the shops so I thought I'd make it myself rather than pay to advertise the latest Disney character and everything is SOOOOO PINK!  PINK PINK PINK PINK!  

Anyway I'm a rookie so if I can make these than you can!

The first step in your rookie sewing attempt.


Your first crack at sewing.

Like any other woodwork project you do around the house the first bit is just working out how to use the tool.  Most likely your machine will be a top bobbin winding one.  Once you figure out how to wind the bobbin which is the spool that sits under the needle then its just a matter of turning knobs etc to get the right stitch.

I think bare feet is best for the foot pedal so you can feel it a bit more.  I also recommend a cold beer and good tunes whilst you do it.  Like I said its just like working in your shed so why do things any different?

Some big scissors are best as my man hands struggled with some of the 'craft' ones aimed at women.  Pins,  pen,  iron and ironing board also should be out.  I know ironing sucks but two seconds ironing down a seam avoids hours of screaming when fabric dont sit right and you sew fabric that moves whilst sewing.  Just don't play up on it or you will be made to iron your own shirts from now on!

Start with something small and move onto bigger and better things.  After all its just a few bucks of fabric so you have nothing to lose apart from some lost beer,  tune time and some brownie points no matter how it turns out.  

I'll post some of my projects and how I did them but to save time and hassle I'll just point you to a good youtube tutorial when it comes to threading the needle, bobbin or button holes etc.  MUCH easier to actually see someone else do it than me trying to explain it to you in text.

Give it a crack and good luck!